Prices for the 2003 Volkswagen Lupo: new, used, damaged, MSRP

Cost of the 2003 Volkswagen Lupo by fuel type, €

Fuel type Average price Lowest Sale Top Sale
Petrol 1178 1178 1178

Price of the 2003 Volkswagen Lupo by body type, €

Body type Average price Lowest Sale Top Sale
Compact 1178 1178 1178

Dynamics of the average price change for the Volkswagen Lupo 2003

Years of production for Volkswagen Lupo:

Sales Count 1
Average price € 1178
Lowest Sale € 1178
Top Sale € 1178


Sold date
Price, €
Mileage, km
Engine size, cm3

Sold date: 22.02.2025

On the website, you can find the price for 1 new and used Volkswagen Lupo 2003 in countries such as: Germany, Belgium, Czech, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Sweden. Currently, prices range from 1178 EUR to 1178 EUR, depending on mileage, condition, and configuration.